Get to Know FDPD

The Forum of Dialogue and Partnership for Development

is an civil developmental Foundation, not meant for profit and neutral but positively as an institution. Work in diversity, pluralism and accoptance of others and interact with him supporting to human rights, citizenship and work to bring about institutional changes needed to establish dialogue and participation for the Development of Egyptian society to overcome the absence of dialogue and the weaknesses of participation mechanisms.
Explore Our Activities

We inspire and help our community

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We Are Always Striving For perfection


"Forum of Dialogue and Partnership for Development" established as a central association working within the law governing civil associations in Egypt. The Constituent meeting held in January 9, 2001 and the publicity was on 10/7/2001 under # 511.

Forum of Dialogue and Partnership for Development is an civil developmental Foundation, not meant for profit and neutral but positively as an institution. Work in diversity, pluralism and acceptance of others and interact with him supporting to human rights, citizenship and work to bring about institutional changes needed to establish dialogue and participation for the Development of Egyptian society to overcome the absence of dialogue and the weaknesses of participation mechanisms.

Explore Our Organization

Our Organizational Structure

Together We can Bring More Creativity into the World​

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