Round Tables

• A round table on “Arab Civil Society and the Palestinian Issue” in Cairo. The guests of the meeting were the Ambassador of Palestine to the League of Arab States, “Mohammed Sobeih,” and Mr. Ambassador “Hassan Issa,” the former Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs.
• A panel discussion held with the Arab Center for Urban and Environmental Studies on “Managing the Continuing Development of the Nile Islands as Natural Reserves – Between Protection Requirements and Complementary Roles of Parties.”
• A panel discussion with the Arab Center for Urban and Environmental Studies on the topic “Approaches to Integrated Management of the Nile Islands within the Framework of Environmental Protection Requirements”
• Implementing a round table with partner associations and donors on “Protecting the Working Child” and “Civil Society Dialogue for Right and Comprehensive Beginnings” at the Pyramisa Hotel in Cairo on 10/3/2007.
• A round table on “Supporting amendments to the Working Child Law” in the presence of members of the People’s Assembly and the Shura Council at the Pyramisa Hotel in Cairo on 2/18/2008.
• A round table on “Support policies…and their impact on development in Egypt…and Al-Madani’s vision” in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 12/23/2009, Cairo.